Standard Automotive Insurance May Be Inadequate in Protecting Your Recreational Vehicle

Many RV purchasers are under the impression they can add their recreational vehicle to their auto insurance. Although this may be true, it may be shortsighted. The purchase of an RV such as a Newmar motorhome is generally more expensive than an automobile. It has all of the characteristics of an auto or truck, but in addition, it has many of the characteristics of a residence. As a result, an RV purchaser would be well advised to investigate specialized RV insurance to better protect the vehicle and your over-the-road lifestyle.

Independence RV Business Manager, Jodi Fansler, a licensed RV insurance agent, is well-versed in knowing the nuances of RV insurance policies and coverage. She will be pleased to provide you with an insurance quote that will insure proper RV protection with abundant coverage and value in relationship to the premiums. Give Jodi a call at (407) 347-8812 or e-mail her at:

Standard Automotive Insurance